How to Find Small Businesses Near You

There are so many ways to find small businesses but it all seems so overwhelming at first. 

How to support: 

1. Don't ask for a discount ( because you're friends with them )

    a. this is quite possibly one of the most disrespectful things you can say to a small business owner. Their work is worth what they are pricing it, whether you agree with it or not. 

2. Do your research - ESPECIALLY FOR ETSY!!! 

    a. Sadly Etsy is prone to stolen art pages. If you find a page you like make sure you look around on their other social media pages just to double-check that everything matches up. I know I have been scammed by Etsy on multiple occasions. I tried to buy some T-shirts, and the account was totally fake and never sent out any orders, and it was all fake reviews. And also don't be afraid to fight for your money, after that order, I opened an appeal with Etsy and that page and got a refund. ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF!

3. Don't be afraid to message someone on Instagram or Facebook

    a. When I get messages from any of my previous customers or future customers, it makes my day. When you buy from a small business someone is on the other side of that sale, packaging up your order while watching their favorite Netflix show. There is so much love put into that order.

    b. I also love to answer clarifying questions about your order. I want it to be exactly what you want. That is what makes buying from a small business so much more special because it's not a gift like "I thought about you and got this" it's "I got this made exactly for you and only you"

4. Look for the shops on Insta with <500 (less than) followers 

    a. those are the shops that just need some help getting on their feet, with one order and one person posting it on their story that can get that shop 6 more orders. I know one time I sold a ring to a girl who had 5K followers. When she posted it on her story I think I literally got like 75 new followers. 

Small businesses have so much time on their hands with this next shut down. And you do too, so take some time to do some research and find small businesses. 

Some of my favorites are: 

Black Owned: 
Slow Fashion:
There are so many options, please shop small for the holidays 
Stay crafty - Mads


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