Normalize Normal Bodies Series


Dear Body,

I'm sorry I focused on your hips and ignored your working heart 
I'm sorry for grabbing your skin and pulling flesh and bone apart 
How dare my eyes look and see anything but your art 
It's time to have your back, you’ve had mine from the start.

I feel so close to this movement because I have always had a very "in the middle" body, a normal body. I have never had a flat tummy like the models you see on Instagram but I wasn't overweight. I always felt pressure to be one or the other, and seeing this woman's account and the message she is sending out to the world has truly changed how I see myself and my own body.

Even if these embroideries and this whole project change the way one person feels about themselves then my job here is done. 

Throughout my process, I will post the photos below, and towards the end of this post I will describe more of the crafty and "how-to" aspect of this project

Here is my first of 4 #normalizenormalbodies embroidery project.

This is the second embroidery of my #normalizenormalbodies project.

I am not the happiest with how this color scheme turned out but, not much I can do now, haha.

This is my third #normalizenormalbodies embroidery and I absolutely love how this one turned out. One of my favorite parts was my grandparents looking over my shoulder trying to figure out how it was a picture of me. Which is understandable; all these lines are mighty confusing. 

I am really happy with the colors I chose for this embroidery and they turned out just how I wanted. 


I am really happy with the colors of this embroidery and the only issue I wish there was more area for flowers. This photo wasn't from the same photoshoot but I really liked it and felt like it had the same vibe from the first shoot. I am not sure what photos I am going to use for the next embroideries but I am excited! 

How did I do it?
I printed my photos of myself and made sure to use the ruler feature that comes with google docs to make sure it was the right size and then I trace all the defining lines with a thick sharpie. After that, I put my drawing on a glass coffee table with the hoop & white cotton material laying over it and I traced it with a frixon pen.

After that, I did the black outline on all my body parts first with a whipped backstitch - 6 strands. Then I did the outline of my clothing with grey thread, whipped backstitch - 4 strands. And that was all I had planned and I had no idea where I wanted to put flowers or if I even wanted to. So I just started drawing inside my clothes and looked up "color schemes" on Pinterest.

I am absolutely thrilled with the outcome of this embroidery and if I make just one person feel more comfortable in their body then I have accomplished my goal.
Remember that your body is doing everything it can to keep you alive. I notice that we often separate ourselves from our bodies and see it as something that isn't a part of us. When in reality that is a pretty big part of your self.

Dear Body,
I'm sorry I focused on your hips and ignored your working heart 
I'm sorry for grabbing your skin and pulling flesh and bone apart 
How dare my eyes look and see anything but your art 
It's time to have your back, you’ve had mine from the start.
Love, me

So give yourself a hug today and stand in front of the mirror with no shame (easier said than done I know... ) and know that you are perfect just the way you are.

Stay healthy & never stop making art 
- Mads ♡

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