My First Semester at College
It is.
You just have to get through the first semester.
My first semester of college was very rough. I cried so much and thought about transferring every day. I had an amazing roommate who helped me through all the tough days. Believe me, there were many facetime calls home that started and ended in tears.
But anyways, college is a strange place. You go from being in a house where you are taken care of, fed, and, at least for me, a very cohesive household. To a foreign land where there are 2 rules.
1) Don't be too loud
2) Don't be a stupid drunk kid
The best and worst part of college is the freedom. You have the freedom to do whatever you want. This can be very fun and exciting at times but also can be wildly terrifying.
Some of the best advice that I wish someone told me before I went to college:
- Everyone is scared to make new friends
- Make an effort to be friends with the people in your classes
- You don't have to go out every weekend
- You don't have to drink to have fun
- Get in a routine
- Make your dorm a safe place, you should feel comfortable and at home in your dorm
- Don't settle into a friend group right away - you have a lot of time to make friends and it is okay to have more than one group of people
- You get to choose who you want to be friends with, no more default friends (aka friends that you are friends with because you have gone to school with them since kindergarten and your parents are friends)
And the most important one -
- No one knows you, you can be whoever you want to be
College is the best time of your life. You just have to get through 1st semester.