My experience thus far
HI, so making this website has become a lot more difficult than I had previously thought. I am going through lots of trials and errors. I have started over on 3 separate occasions, I have had business cards printed with the wrong URL. So if anyone tells you that making a website is easy. It is not easy but it is worth it.
For a while, I have been selling my jewelry on Instagram and that got really difficult because people wouldn't send me the correct email or they would leave out their zip codes. So I thought that it would be a lot easier to put my products on a website where that is all required when you go to pay. I used Ecwid to make my shopping cart feature and have an HTML for my products page. It is a very beautiful layout and the software is amazing and so easy to work with.
As someone who didn't know what HTML was before opening the blogger site, I have done a pretty good job. This is most definitely a learning process. I give so much credit to the people behind the scenes that work on coding and HTML all day long. I praise you.
This website is nowhere near perfect and honestly, I don't think I will ever have the website exactly how I want it. But I am going to keep trying. And at the same time, I want to ensure that this is still fun for me. I don't want to stress myself out and then start to hate making art. So I think this is going to be a long process and I am excited to learn many many things.
Stay tuned, and stay healthy. - Mads