
Showing posts from May, 2020

Normalize Normal Bodies Series

#normalizenormalbodies Dear Body, I'm sorry I focused on your hips and ignored your working heart  I'm sorry for grabbing your skin and pulling flesh and bone apart  How dare my eyes look and see anything but your art  It's time to have your back, you’ve had mine from the start. Love, me I feel so close to this movement because I have always had a very "in the middle" body, a normal body. I have never had a flat tummy like the models you see on Instagram but I wasn't overweight. I always felt pressure to be one or the other, and seeing this woman's account and the message she is sending out to the world has truly changed how I see myself and my own body. Even if these embroideries and this whole project change the way one person feels about themselves then my job here is done.  Throughout my process, I will post the photos below, and towards the end of this post I will describe more of the crafty and "how-to" aspect of this project

My experience thus far

HI, so making this website has become a lot more difficult than I had previously thought. I am going through lots of trials and errors. I have started over on 3 separate occasions, I have had business cards printed with the wrong URL. So if anyone tells you that making a website is easy. It is not easy but it is worth it. For a while, I have been selling my jewelry on Instagram and that got really difficult because people wouldn't send me the correct email or they would leave out their zip codes. So I thought that it would be a lot easier to put my products on a website where that is all required when you go to pay. I used Ecwid to make my shopping cart feature and have an HTML for my products page. It is a very beautiful layout and the software is amazing and so easy to work with. As someone who didn't know what HTML was before opening the blogger site, I have done a pretty good job. This is most definitely a learning process. I give so much credit to the people behind the...